Splinter in My Brother's Eye

What does it take to be a man?  It’s the everlasting question men (and women) have been asking.  It’s not easy to provide any succinct or precise definition for what it is that makes a man a man; but perhaps it is easier to identify and articulate what qualities should not belong to a man.  Recently, I have come across a few different men with qualities (or there lack of) which has inspired the following rant on four characteristics that should demerit one of his manhood.


1.  Lack of Initiative.  Nothing seems to be a bigger turn off for women than a man that has no initiative.  However, as a man, I can tell you that I am equally frustrated and put off when I work with a man who lacks ambition, initiative, or any kind of drive for excellence.  Having initiative doesn’t mean every man must be the stereotypical American workaholic who…

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